About the Meeting
NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) will hold its twenty second meeting on June 18th and 19th, 2020.
This will be a fully virtual meeting, the Webex information can be found below.ExoPAG meetings are open to the entire scientific community, and offer an opportunity to participate in discussions of scientific and technical issues in exoplanet exploration, and to provide input into NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP). All interested members of the astronomical and planetary science communities are invited to attend and participate.
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- Thursday June 18th, 2020: 12:00pm-4:00pm EDT (9:00am-1:00pm PDT)
- Friday June 19th, 2020: 12:00pm-3:30pm EDT (9:00am-12:30pm PDT)
Invitation for Early Career Scientists to Present Talks
ExoPAG and ExEP invites early career scientists, postdocs and graduate students to consider presenting at the virtual ExoPAG 22 meeting. We are particularly interested in presentations from early career scientists, postdocs, and graduate students from diverse backgrounds.
Applications for student talks are now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
Remote Participation Access
June 18th, 2020
- Webex
- Meeting ID: 199 431 4300
- Password: exopag
- Use computer audio or have Webex "call you" if possible. If necessary, you may dial direct at: 844-575-9329
June 19th, 2020
- Webex
- Meeting ID: 199 737 0000
- Password: exopag
- Use computer audio or have Webex "call you" if possible. If necessary, you may dial direct at: 844-575-9329
Please follow these best practices for optimal webex performance:
- Join the meeting on a browser using the above link
- Audio connection in order of preference: While joining the meeting, 1) choose the option to have Webex call you 2) have Webex use your computer audio 3) dial in separately via the direct phone number
- Keep you camera off unless you are speaking (this saves bandwidth)
- Keep your microphone muted if you are not speaking
- Join the meeting 15 minutes early to add the application plug-in if necessary and test audio connection
- Utilize Slido to submit questions which will be moderated and then addressed via the session chair (see agenda for additional details)
If you need logistical assistance, feel free to contact the Exoplanet Program Office staff at exep.admin@jpl.nasa.gov
ExoPAG 22 was originally scheduled to immediately precede the 2020 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop, which will be held virtually July 20-24, 2020. The topic this year will be Extreme Precision Radial Velocity (EPRV) (this workshop is not held in conjunction with the ExoPAG).